E-methodology is a scientific yearbook (published in the English language) that is dedicated to the difficulties with research in social sciences and humanities conducted by means of the Internet, as well as the opportunities that it provides.
The journal is interdisciplinary. We accept papers of such sciences as: social sciences, human sciences, health sciences, medical sciences, and others.
Please consider submission of the text anytime following APA style in your document proccesor.

1) “About the Internet” – Theory (Difficulties and opportunities by using the Internet in scientific research and how it changes during a pandemic)
2) “On the Internet” – Research (The results of research conducted by means of the Internet, what recommendation, guidance for medical persone, PR and decision makers can me make during Pandemic)
3) “With the Internet” – Projects/Practice (Presenting the opportunities provided by using the Internet in Communication with the patient/client, self-diagnosis, use of New Technologies in the medicine, in the promotion of health)
We accept theoretical lectures on this subject, lectures presenting the results of research conducted on or by means of the Internet (understood as a research environment and/or a research tool), and lectures about the Project connected with the general topic. We would like the authors to pay special attention to the specificity of “Internet methodology”.
The journal cooperates with such journal databases like: BazHum, Index Copernicus, Central, and Eastern European Online Library GmbH. Our main idea is to search for good solutions to conduct research on the Internet. On behalf of my and Editorial Team, we invite you to read and publish.
More information on our website:
and on Facebook:
Have you any questions, please write to the secretary of the journal: emethodologyconference@gmail.com
or directly to the Chief Editor Luba Ślósarz
E-mail address: luba.slosarz@umed.wroc.pl