VIIIth International Academic Conference “e-methodology”at 21 April 2023 – hybrid: Wrocław&online.
Methodological, but also other aspects of imporance of the society of Internet users are welcome for presentation or discussion.

“About the Internet” – Theory (Theoretical papers on the difficulties and the opportunities created by using the Internet in scientific research)
“On the Internet” – Research (The results of research conducted by means of the Internet)
“With the Internet”
Projects (Project reports and research/educational projects presenting the opportunities provided by using the Internet) Practice (Communication with the patient/client via the Internet; problems of self-diagnosis on the Internet; use of new technologies in the medicine, in the promotion of health)
We are looking for practical tips for Internet research challenges after pandemic as evidence based recommendations, as well as ideas etc.
This year we have special tracks:
1) Social (new) and traditional media listening for Antimicrobial (AM) use, AM Resistance, Antibiotics, biocides, misuse of dugs, illegal trade of AM
2) E-health, AI, machine learning, Big Data in medicine and healthcare, Telemedicine, virtual reality and health applications
3) Infodemiology and infoveillence during Covid-19, as well as postcovid and war time
4) AI and Internet in Education
Andrzej Jarynowski, Vitaly Belik, Andrea Pamini and Alexander Semenov thank to Internalization Booster program from Free University of Berlin, which allow for studying infection disease control via e-techniques (sensors and infoveillance).
Conference proceedings will be published in E-methodology (20 Polish Ministerial Points) open access journal indexed in plenty databases as Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, etc,
Conference venue
Wroclaw Medical University, Bartla 5, 50-996 Wrocław